Wedding band in Spain
Are you looking for wedding band in Spain?
We can provide that kind of show and fun you are looking for.
wedding band with an ability to entertein and make your guests and audience have a great time they will not forget.
Maikelnaits is wedding band with so much experience. Our members have spent long time over the stages in amazing bands all over the world. All of them can handle multiple styles and perform several instruments, in different styles but specially wedding band
Wedding band, dance never stops
Maikelnaits we have the equipment and the means to deploy all our potential in the Spain and surroundings.
Maikelnaits we can deploy a truly musical experience, a sonic landscape full of nostalgia and feeling, with synths and sounds to impact the audience. Let's dance !
Wedding band, fun never ends
Maikelnaits we can play as a DUO or TRIO and also can provide aditional musicians for a more impact presentation.
Our wedding band performances are a tribute and also a journey through the soundtrack of our lives.
If you give us some time, we can also prepare some aditional songs specially for your event.